Category: Uncategorized

Dealing With Addiction: You Aren’t Alone

Loneliness in Addiction Addiction is a lonely condition. Once addiction progresses, family members, friends, co-workers, etc., become confused and appalled by the strange and sometimes hurtful  behavior. People with drug problems often do and says things under the influence they’d  never do or say…

2021 – The Year of Recovery

Hopefully, as a nation, as a world,  in 2021 we’ll recover from the pandemic and social strife we’ve experienced. It’s also a good time for those with an addiction problem to seek help and start a new life. It might be because of the…

Merry Sober Christmas

The holidays can be stressful for people in early recovery from addiction. Partying is a big part of all holidays, and parties often entail alcohol and drugs. This year, with Covid-19, the partying will likely be curtailed significantly, but there are other stressors during…

Do I Really Want To Stop Drinking?

Often, when someone comes into treatment it’s because something bad has happened associated with drinking. This also applies to people coming into treatment who are using some other kind of drug like cocaine, meth or opiates, but here we’ll use alcohol for the sake…

Study Those Who Recover From Addiction

If we really want to know about addiction, we should study those who recover from addiction. There are around 20 million people in the US who meet the criteria for substance use disorder/addiction. Only 10% of these people seek treatment. That’s an incredibly low…

Be Careful When Searching For Addiction Treatment

I’ve worked in the addiction treatment field since 1984. I’ve seen new and improved treatment offerings every two or three years, usually offerings which say they can teach alcoholics how to control their drinking. These alternative treatment don’t work. There are many private therapists…

Addiction Treatment: Cause and Effect

Most people I talk to still perceive addiction as caused by psychological issues, such as being raised in an abusive home environment, depression, stress, trauma, on and on. Addiction can develop even if a person is mentally and emotionally healthy. Psychological problems complicate addiction,…

New Day, New Life

I know it’s corny to talk about a new day, a new life or one day at a time, but the reason it sounds so over-used is because it’s a real possibility. Change can happen. We all make mistakes. Some of us get lost…

Recovery From Addiction

Recovery from addiction is not easy. Most people suffering from addiction need treatment. Treatment is more than getting the drug out of your body, it’s learning to live without the drug. Whether it’s alcohol, cocaine, opiates, pot, or whatever the choice of drug, recovery…

You Can’t Afford Addiction Treatment?

People are often surprised when they find out there’s a charge for addiction treatment. There are facilities which are government subsidized to make it easier for people who can’t pay for treatment, but there’s usually at least a small charge based on income. NewDay…