2021 – The Year of Recovery

Hopefully, as a nation, as a world,  in 2021 we’ll recover from the pandemic and social strife we’ve experienced. It’s also a good time for those with an addiction problem to seek help and start a new life. It might be because of the social isolation and all the anxiety of 2020, but, now that there’s a vaccine, this truly seems like a new year. 

If you have a problem with alcohol, opiates, cocaine, etc., use this season of hope and promise to stop and try something new. Addiction doesn’t just last until a vaccine’s shot in the arm. There are no vaccine shots for addiction. There’s treatment, though. If addiction goes untreated it lasts until death, usually a premature death. But premature, physical death is not the worst thing about addiction, it’s the spiritual death that’s terribly painful day in and day out – there’s emotional numbness, confusion and mental torment. Plus, addiction doesn’t just hurt the individual, it hurts the family members, spouses, partners and friends who watch addiction gradually take the person they love.

Addiction is needless suffering, because there’s help available and recovery’s possible and real. There are millions in recovery right now across the world, living a good life, improving their relationships, excelling in their jobs, starting life anew, working on self improvement, spirituality, in whatever form that takes, and mental awareness – many are helping others to recover. Addiction’s a terrible condition, but there are treatment solutions. All you have to do is reach out for help, and help will be found. Let 2021 be the year of recovery, the year of renewal, the year you leave the old life of addiction behind and start a fresh path. I can guarantee you won’t regret it. You might have times you wish you could drink or use drugs like you once did in the beginning, but if you’re serious and truly in recovery, with support from people who understand what you’re going through, you won’t think about it long, because you’ll know those days of drinking or using without consequences are gone to never return. Have a great 2021, I hope it’s a truly new year.