Category: Addiction and economics

I can’t afford addiction treatment

 “I can’t afford addiction treatment.” Most often, when someone doesn’t have insurance they think treatment’s too expensive, so usually they don’t check into possibilities. Not all facilities will work out payment plans, but there are some, like NewDay, that will. For some reason, many…

Healthcare and Addiction

Healthcare and addiction, in reality, are closely connected – in obvious ways and not so obvious ways. I want to address the hidden costs of chemical dependence/addiction. Our healthcare system treats mostly symptoms of addiction. One of the problems is often with addiction the…

Alcoholism and Opiate Addiction

Alcoholism and opiate addiction are similar in many ways. The reason alcoholism and opiate addiction have been so difficult to treat is that both forms of addiction are what I’ll call ingrained. Some might think “ingrained” is not a useful description when addiction creates…

Addiction, Education and Employment

Usually when addiction, education and employment are discussed together it’s from the perspective of how poverty, unemployment and illiteracy drive people to misuse alcohol and other drugs. Some even imply, or make the claim outright, that misery and other environmental negatives experienced in poverty stricken areas cause addiction. While…

Employment and Addiction Recovery

When considering consequences of addiction, the realities of employment and career management are serious considerations. Employment and career concerns are important to the addict in recovery regardless of age or past accomplishments. Successful addiction recovery requires a person to deal with all parts of his/her…

Alcohol, drugs and motivation

I chose motivation in the title because motivation is usually affected by alcohol and other drug dependence — however, I’m writing here about how drug abuse and dependence affects a person’s ability to learn and retain knowledge and how it all relates to developing and maintaining a good livelihood. This is aimed…

Addiction and Economics

On a personal level addiction prevents individuals from accomplishing what they could without an addiction problem — this is fairly obvious. Then there’s the societal costs from addiction. Yes, some individuals are successful despite their addiction, but as a rule most people who become addicted to…