Category: Young people and alcohol

College alcohol misuse

Misuse of alcohol in college is often considered a part of the college experience. Parents, professors, college administrators and teenagers ought to look at the science before enacting a wink and nod policy. I know that most parents, professors and administrators are realistic, liberal-minded and it’s unsophisticated to expect…

Too young and smart to be an alcoholic

I suppose the language we use to describe alcohol and drug problems will continue to evolve, but I hope the language evolves toward clarity nor obscurity. As I wrote a week or so ago, there are many old ideas about alcohol and drug problems that…

Young people and alcohol

For many teenagers, drinking is experimentation, a chance to get a thrill, a means of partying, a way to have fun. Our society is lenient on young people and alcohol, because alcohol is a socially accepted drug. Most parents will not want their teenage kids to drink alcohol, but…