Category: Addiction and mental health

Exercise in Addiction Recovery

There are no shortcuts, but exercise in addiction recovery enhances recovery and helps in more ways that one can imagine. By no shortcuts I mean exercise alone is not the answer. A person in early recovery might choose to start exercising, begin to feel…

Neuroplasticity and Addiction Treatment: Part One

I firmly believe that the relationship discovered going forward between neuroplasticity and addiction treatment will greatly improve recovery outcomes. With addiction, although it might seem strange to someone who doesn’t understand addiction, the particular drug used is not so important as what happens to the brain…

Does Science Excuse Addiction?

Myriad books have been written on free will, sin, moral responsibility and the science of addiction. A question asked often is – does science excuse addiction?  We hear about sex addiction, gambling addiction, drug addiction, food addiction — it seems like science makes excuses for what most…

Heroin in Savannah Ga

For those who think heroin is a problem only for places like Harlem and South Central LA, heroin use is increasing across the nation, even in Savannah, Ga. You can Google “Savannah and heroin use” to see the stories about the growing number of heroin arrests…

Dual-Diagnosis in Addiction Treatment

There has been a great deal written and discussed regarding dual-diagnosis in addiction treatment. Dual-diagnosis is when a client is diagnosed with an alcohol/drug use disorder and mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety. In some cases schizophrenia or bi-polar depression can exist…