Category: Substance abuse and teens

College alcohol misuse

Misuse of alcohol in college is often considered a part of the college experience. Parents, professors, college administrators and teenagers ought to look at the science before enacting a wink and nod policy. I know that most parents, professors and administrators are realistic, liberal-minded and it’s unsophisticated to expect…

Young People and Addiction

It’s difficult to know when a young person who’s drinking heavily or using drugs on a regular basis is simply partying too much with friends or has an addiction problem. Parents are faced with the problem of underage drinking and the fact that illegal drugs can…

Substance abuse among teens

This is a continuation from yesterday’s post. I don’t mean to scare parents, but some of this is scary — it has to do with substance abuse among teens and young adults related to recreational drugs. Molly, K2, Krokidil — these are just some of the names…