Category: Alcoholism and stress

Alcoholism and Holidays

I could have titled this recovery and holidays rather that alcoholism and holidays, but I believe we all need to come to terms with the word “alcoholism”and “alcoholic”. Alcoholism is perceived as a harsh word that some prefer to soften with terms like Alcohol…

Neuroplasticity and Addiction Treatment – Part Three

This is the last in the Neuroplasticity and Addiction Treatment series. Recovery from addiction is a long term process. Recovery calls for intent, focus and repetition. The recovering person claims their intent — to stay sober and clean. In order to do this, the person has to…

Alcoholism, Stress and Relapse

Alcoholism, stress and relapse constitute a large part of what we deal with in treatment. Stress plays a prominent and complex role in alcoholism from beginning to end. Many drinkers who became alcoholics realized when they first started drinking that alcohol eases stress, although that was only one of…