Merry Sober Christmas

The holidays can be stressful for people in early recovery from addiction. Partying is a big part of all holidays, and parties often entail alcohol and drugs. This year, with Covid-19, the partying will likely be curtailed significantly, but there are other stressors during this time of social distancing. People in recovery need support, especially during the holidays.

Zoom offers access to support groups, and if you’re in treatment, you might want to schedule more sessions with your counselor. Family can be good support, but sometimes family members don’t fully understand the unique problems associated with addiction recovery. The main thing is to not get involved in stressful situations if they can be avoided. There’s no need to test yourself.

Try to keep a mindset of gratitude, thinking of all the good and positive things in your life. It’s dangerous to focus on all the problems you face, feeling sorry for yourself. If you do get in a funk, talk with someone who understands your situation, and get back in the gratitude state of mind. You have to work at keeping a recovery mindset. Focus on new possibilities, on all the potential offered by sobriety. Think of things that are positive and healthy, and hang around positive people.

Your holiday will be what you make it, but you don’t have to do it alone — allow others to be a part of your experience. Remember why you’re in recovery, be happy — enjoy and stay strong.