Category: Uncategorized

Alcohol, Masks and Social Distancing

When Covid-19 first came into the news, I wrote a blog post about alcohol, masks and social distancing.  Now that many cities across the US are opening up, my thoughts on this subject are even clearer. At first I was vaguely skeptical about people…

New Twist on Pot as a Gateway Drug

Many pot smokers dismiss the idea that marijuana is a gateway to drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Research has placed a new twist on pot as a gateway drug. Here is an excerpt from the research article: Cannabis use makes young brains more…

Understanding Alcoholism

Most people don’t want to discuss topics like alcoholism (or if you prefer the current term – AUD,  Alcohol Use Disorder). Even when discussions take place, there are different levels of understanding alcoholism.  It’s important to first understand it’s a disease that starts with…

NewDay Interviewed by WTOC in Savannah

WTOC interviewed our lead counselor, Minna Betancourt, regarding our treatment program and clients as they relate to Covid-19. Go here to see the video. The only part that needs revision is the part about cleaning — we clean about 4 times a day, not…

Building a New Life — Recovery From Addiction

Anyone who says dealing with addiction is accomplished by will power is only partly right. It does take will power, all you have, but will power alone is not enough. It’s extremely rare for someone to simply stop drinking or using drugs without support,…

Connecting With Others

Before I start with the topic I have in mind, connecting with others, I’d like to assure anyone considering treatment that we’re taking all precautions to deal with Covid-19 and to continue treatment at the same time. We space chairs sufficiently and we offer…

Addiction Treatment and a Clear Mind

Often, people in early recovery from addiction tell me one of the things they value most in recovery is a clear mind. For so long, they tell me, every morning was a fog, then during the end of their drinking/using even the good feelings…

Alcohol and Coronavirus

  Check out this link. Here is an excerpt: “Alcohol compromises the body’s immune system and increases the risk of adverse health outcomes,” the WHO’s regional office for Europe said on its site late Tuesday, citing heavy alcohol use throughout the continent. Alcohol consumption is associated…

Loneliness in Recovery

In recovery from addiction it’s recommended to utilize the support of those who understand addiction and recovery. There are times, though, when a person is alone with their thoughts. This is not necessarily bad — it all depends on how the person uses this…

Coronavirus, disruption and addiction

Our lives have become disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic. This is not easy. Disruption can cause anxiety and, sometimes, a desire to deny the reality. But when disruption is accepted, and when we use reason and inner strength, valuable lessons can be learned. I…