Cannabis and Heart Problems – copy

There’s a widespread belief that cannabis is basically harmless to the body. However, research is showing that might not be true. Here’s an excerpt from an article from Medical Press that shows there might be a link between cannabis use and heart problems.

At a time of increasing legalization of marijuana, a growing number of people under 50 diagnosed with cannabis use disorder were later hospitalized for a heart attack, new research has found.

Although AHA statistics show  attacks are much less common in people under 50 compared to , the study suggests people who use cannabis should be followed more closely for possible heart problems.

The Gift of Recovery – copy

There's no holiday from addictionIt’s the Holiday Season. I wish everyone in addiction recovery a safe and happy holiday season. If you’re new in recovery and feel anxious because of parties and other festivities that might involve alcohol, reach out to someone in your support network and let them know what’s going on. If you don’t have a support network, you might want to develop one. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help, especially if it can help you avoid relapse.

Even if your problem is with another drug other than alcohol, you still need to lean on your support network. You should know by now that anyone addicted to one drug will likely go back to that drug if they substitute one drug for another. For example, if someone is in recovery from cocaine addiction, then they start using alcohol as a substitute, they are likely to return to cocaine. It takes all the awareness a person in recovery can muster to avoid relapse, so if a person is under the influence of a substitute drug and they have the have the opportunity to use their drug of choice, it’s common for the person to start craving their drug of choice and make a bad decision with impaired judgement. The other risk is developing a problem with the substitute drug. Research has shown that people who become addicted are susceptible to becoming addicted to drugs other than their drug of choice — it’s called cross-addiction.

The main point is to be safe and protect your recovery. There are plenty of things to do during the holiday season that don’t include drugs. That shouldn’t have to be said, but if you’re in recovery you’ll understand. Reflect, Rejuvenate and Rejoice.

Addiction Recovery in Action

For those of us working in the addiction treatment field, it’s practically impossible to determine who will recover. Recovery itself is difficult to identify, in the sense it’s not always a case of not using drugs ever again. Recovery can be messy. Many people who finally recovered long term and never used drugs again went through several forms of treatment or interventions before they took the necessary actions to recover. It’s sort of like people who go on diets then have several episodes of slipping before they maintain the diet on a regular, long term basis — except when people go back to drugs the risks and consequences are more imminent and deadly for the most part. One thing we can determine with high accuracy is that certain actions lead to a straight line recovery at a much greater rate. We just don’t know who’s going to take the actions and who’s not. It’s not always the ones we’d expect who take recovery actions — many times it’s the ones who have the hardest time in treatment.

We see clients who talk a good game and, if you just listened to their words, you’d think they’re making great changes and are surely on their way to recovery. The crazy part is most of these people are sincere — they mean what they’re saying at the moment, but when you dig a little deeper and ask the right questions you realize they aren’t taking any actions that give them the best chance at long term, stable recovery. They haven’t established a support network – they aren’t dealing with emotional issues that can lead a person to relapse – they haven’t made the necessary changes with people, places and things that are associated with drug use (and, of course, we’re considering alcohol a drug) – they haven’t taken the steps to improve their employment, like they said they wanted to do – they didn’t attend the counseling session with their spouse that they agreed was needed in order to have the best chance at long term recovery – the list goes on.

There’s a trap people in treatment fall into, and it’s fairly common. A person comes into treatment, they begin to hear others discuss their problems, it hits home with them, and all of a sudden a light comes on and the person begins to think about how better life would be without all the consequences suffered from addiction. They begin to feel like they’ve got it licked, but it’s all a pink cloud experience, and if they don’t take the difficult actions to deal with the past and truly manage the future for recovery, when they leave treatment and are back in reality the pink cloud dissipates and they fall back into drug use.

We warn people about the pink cloud experience. We talk incessantly about addiction recovery in action, but some just don’t believe they need to do everything suggested, so they pick the easiest actions which are mostly in their head and not made real in action. If they relapse, many try again and realize they didn’t take the necessary actions before, so they start following the advice they received in treatment. On the other hand, some relapse and don’t come back — they likely feel like it’s hopeless and just give up trying to recover. An addict should never give up. Valuable lessons can be learned in a relapse, and it’s never too late to change.

Here is some more I’ve written about action in recovery.


Renewal in Recovery

Our name NewDay might sound corny, but it was chosen with serious intent based on concepts of change and renewal. With each new day recovery from addiction is possible. This is the idea I’d like to instill in the mind of everyone with an addiction problem. There’s an old idea that stubbornly persists from generation to generation that real change is not possible, that we are what we are and it’s too ingrained to make much change. I don’t believe this is true, and many smart people who work in the field of psychology don’t believe it’s true. People can change, they can accomplish renewal, they can recover from conditions such as addiction.

I’ve personally experienced renewal, change, recovery in my life and witnessed it in thousands of others. It’s never too late. There are some mental conditions that limit change, but I’ve witnessed change even among those who face such severe limitations. The human spirit is powerful and resilient. In addiction, the human spirit is damaged over and over, day after day for years and sometimes decades. It feels like nothing will change, especially if the person has tried to change many times only to return to alcohol/drugs. The thing is renewal is not easy. Renewal requires hard work, support, a plan, daily action and a deep desire to change.

Most people make the mistake of trying to change on their own, but they don’t know how to change, so they go back to what they know when change becomes too hard and painful to handle alone. It’s amazing we can have car trouble and find it easy and reasonable to take the car to a mechanic who knows how to fix cars, yet when it comes to our life, our happiness and peace of mind, we can’t reach out for help. There’s no shame in needing help with life, especially with something like addiction — of course we wouldn’t know how to deal with addiction, why would we know how to find renewal in recovery if we’ve never done it before? The good news is that there are many people who do know about renewal in recovery and they’re willing to help. It only requires reaching out and asking for help. In the early twentieth century and before there weren’t many places a person with an addiction problem could go, and most addicts/alcoholics died prematurely in terrible conditions. Nowadays you can Google “help with addiction” and find resources in seconds. Even if the first time someone reaches out for help it doesn’t feel right, as long as a person keeps trying to find help, they’ll soon find it. Then it’s just a matter of accepting the help and following through. Renewal is possible and real. Happy new year.


The Gift of Recovery

There's no holiday from addictionIt’s the Holiday Season. I wish everyone in addiction recovery a safe and happy holiday season. If you’re new in recovery and feel anxious because of parties and other festivities that might involve alcohol, reach out to someone in your support network and let them know what’s going on. If you don’t have a support network, you might want to develop one. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help, especially if it can help you avoid relapse.

Even if your problem is with another drug other than alcohol, you still need to lean on your support network. You should know by now that anyone addicted to one drug will likely go back to that drug if they substitute one drug for another. For example, if someone is in recovery from cocaine addiction, then they start using alcohol as a substitute, they are likely to return to cocaine. It takes all the awareness a person in recovery can muster to avoid relapse, so if a person is under the influence of a substitute drug and they have the have the opportunity to use their drug of choice, it’s common for the person to start craving their drug of choice and make a bad decision with impaired judgement. The other risk is developing a problem with the substitute drug. Research has shown that people who become addicted are susceptible to becoming addicted to drugs other than their drug of choice — it’s called cross-addiction.

The main point is to be safe and protect your recovery. There are plenty of things to do during the holiday season that don’t include drugs. That shouldn’t have to be said, but if you’re in recovery you’ll understand. Reflect, Rejuvenate and Rejoice.

Addiction Treatment: Relapse Prevention

What is addiction treatment? You could say addiction treatment is basically relapse prevention; however, this applies to those who actually accept abstinence as the foundation for recovery. Our intensive outpatient program is based on abstinence from mood altering drugs not prescribed by a doctor, preferably a doctor who has experience in addiction treatment. Yet, many come to us with the idea they’ll learn how to manage their drinking/drug use. Because we’ve seen people return to treatment over and over as they try to manage their drinking/drug use, we don’t recommend controlled use as a viable option. We recommend abstinence and we show our clients how to develop a life-long plan for relapse prevention.

As I wrote above, when clients come to us with no intention of stopping drug use all together, we present them with facts, and we tell them why we are an abstinence-based treatment program — then the client has to decide whether they accept abstinence as the foundation of recovery or whether they choose to attempt controlled use as an option. When people ask about our success rate, we tell them it’s complicated. People coming into treatment have different motives. Those who come to us after many failed attempts at controlling their drinking/drug use, who have experienced consequences from their addiction, are more amenable to developing a plan for relapse prevention. They have tried to control their use and now they know they can’t, but they don’t know how to remain abstinent — they can’t quit and they can’t control their drinking/use — these clients usually do well.

Those clients who come to us with the goals of avoiding trouble when they drink/use, and to find a way to drink/use responsibly, and who refuse to develop a plan for relapse prevention, don’t do well. For those with an addiction problem, it’s the chosen drug and their brain that’s the problem, not the lack of knowledge how to drink/use responsibly. When an alcoholic/addict begins drinking/using they eventually lose control, and there are consequences. Untreated addiction is a progressive illness that gets worse over time, not better. There are treatment programs and therapists who claim to teach people how to control their use. We don’t believe in this model. To be clear, though, if a client comes to us with a dual diagnosis of addiction and a co-occurring mental health issue, we don’t insist that this person discontinue their medication just because it can be considered mood altering — we will, however, recommend that the person get a second opinion from a psychiatrist trained in dual-diagnosis treatment. It’s important to treat both the addiction and the mental health issue in tandem. If not, it’s likely one disorder will have a negative effect on the other.

To repeat, we consider addiction treatment as, broadly speaking, relapse prevention. We believe treatment works best when the client accepts abstinence as the foundation of recovery. We believe some people with co-occurring addiction and mental health disorders might have to take medication, but it’s best if the medication and treatment are managed by a doctor with experience in both disorders.


Cannabis and Heart Problems

There’s a widespread belief that cannabis is basically harmless to the body. However, research is showing that might not be true. Here’s an excerpt from an article from Medical Press that shows there might be a link between cannabis use and heart problems.

At a time of increasing legalization of marijuana, a growing number of people under 50 diagnosed with cannabis use disorder were later hospitalized for a heart attack, new research has found.

Although AHA statistics show  attacks are much less common in people under 50 compared to , the study suggests people who use cannabis should be followed more closely for possible heart problems.

Living with Addiction

Addiction doesn’t just affect the person with the addiction, it affects family members and significant others. It’s especially difficult for someone who lives with a person who is addicted to a drug — a husband, a wife, a son, a daughter, a father, a mother – because they experience the chaos and insanity on a regular basis. I’ll simply call the person living with the addict the loved one.

The addict makes promises she/he can’t keep. It’s not necessarily that the person is purposefully deceiving a loved one. Often the addict truly intends to change. It seems like a betrayal of trust to the loved one who has their hopes dashed over and over. After a while, the loved one becomes cynical and stops believing the empty promises, unless the loved receives counseling or attends a support group in which they learn the true nature of addiction.

It’s very important for the loved one living with an active addict to get help for themselves, regardless if the person addicted gets help or not. The loved one can get sick, too, living in a toxic environment of anger, fear, hopelessness and confusion. If the loved one receives help from someone who understands the relationship dynamics of addiction, the loved one can put the situation in perspective and, if they choose to continue living with the addict, take actions that might help the situation. Too often, a loved one who hasn’t received help tries in vain to help the addict at the expense of other relationships.

If the loved one can take steps to remain as mentally and emotionally healthy as possible, they can keep from spiraling downward with the addict into the sickness of addiction. The main thing is too maintain a proper perspective, to stay as strong as possible and to realize the person is sick — but also realize  hard decisions might need to be made at some some point if the addict can’t, or won’t, change. There’s not always a happy ending, but often there is a happy ending, The loved one can protect their own mental and emotional health, though, no matter how it turns out.

The Dangers of Mixing Alcohol and Drugs by Jeremy Murphy

Here is an excerpt from an excellent article written by Jeremy Murphy. The article is titled The Dangers of Mixing Alcohol and Drugs. You can read the entire article at — 
Because alcohol is the most widely available mind-altering substance, it is frequently mixed with other drugs. However, mixing alcohol with other drugs can be dangerous.


The risk of overdosing while intoxicated is increased greatly when mixing with alcohol. Alcohol tends to worsen the negative effects of other drugs or reduce their effectiveness. Common causes for overdose include liver failure, severe depression of the central nervous system, blood poisoning, heart failure, and asphyxiation.


Alcohol affects decision making, reaction time, and the senses. Because of this, alcohol-impaired drivers cause almost 30 accidents per day. In fact, alcohol causes nearly 28% of all fatal traffic accidents. A majority of drunk driving accidents occur on the weekends or near holidays. The fine for a DUI can cost up to $6,000.00 in some states and can also result in being charged with a felony. Mixing alcohol, even when not operating a vehicle, can lead to accidental bodily harm caused by uncoordinated movement and lowered senses.

How to Tell if Someone is Shooting Up

Below is a very informative article sent to me by

Tabitha Harper
Outreach Coordinator
Arrow Passage Recovery

How to Tell if Someone is Shooting Up

Signs of IV Drug Abuse


Intravenous (IV) drugs are those injected directly into the body. While you might think that track marks will be easily visible on a friend’s or loved one’s arm, many people are able to hide the marks connected to this type of substance use. Some people hide marks in the skin between the toes and in other areas of the body that you can’t see.

Can You Inject Meth?

Yes, meth can be abused in this manner.  It’s one of the most common ways to take the drug due to the development of a dependence on meth. Many people start by snorting meth, move up to smoking, and then end up injecting it. Injecting the drug provides the fastest and most powerful effects.1

Can You Inject Heroin?

Yes, you can inject heroin. Injecting heroin is the most common methods of taking the drug.  More than 50% of people who reported using heroin said they injected it, as opposed to snorting, ingesting, or smoking.1

Looking for the Signs

If someone you love uses one of these drugs, it’s helpful to know the signs of shooting up and the dangers of addiction.


First Sign of Substance Abuse: Highs and Lows

A common sign that someone you know uses IV drugs is when that person experiences frequent highs and lows. You can think of this in the same you would the crash associated with caffeine or sugar. When you drink several cups of coffee or bottles of soda a day, the sugar and caffeine can leave you feeling wiry and jittery. Once those substances leave your system, though, you’ll feel a crushing sensation that might make you feel tired and worn out.

IV drugs can result in feeling and acting the same way through highs and lows. Some prefer injecting drugs to smoking or snorting substances because injecting produces a faster reaction. As the drugs go directly into the bloodstream, the substances effects are felt much faster. This method can also produce a faster crash period because as the drugs leave, the pleasurable symptoms dissipate quickly too. Some of the signs you might notice during the crash period, also known as the cooling period, include:

Trouble concentrating or thinking

Issues with making decisions

Head nodding

Falling asleep in any spot or position 

Irritability any mood swings


Physical Symptoms of IV Drug Use

Injection Locations

Unless you have given yourself an injection before, you may have no idea what an injection site looks like. It’s possible to inject heroin and other drugs into different areas of the body, including the crook of an elbow, the sole of a foot, the vein that runs along the arm, and even in the leg or between the toes. 

Signs of an Injection Site

An injection site will typically have a small bruise that changes color over time. You may also see track marks in people who regularly use IV drugs. These marks will look like dark veins along the arm. You may see a darker area around the site of the injection, and then more lightly colored marks moving down the arm. 

Collapsed Veins

Another physical sign of intravenous drug use is one or more collapsed veins. The veins of the human body transport blood from one area to the next to keep the body healthy. If an individual keeps injecting substances into the same vein, that vein may eventually collapse and stop doing its necessary function of transporting blood. Though a collapsed vein is hard to see because it sits below the surface of the skin, a close look at the area should help you find it. 

Skin Infections

If you do not properly care for an injury, it can become infected. This is especially true in cases of ongoing IV drug use. As the same injection spot is used repeatedly, physical damage to the skin and veins occurs. Something as simple as wearing the same shirt or pants for several days in a row can cause an infection. The fabric rubbing against the skin and the bacteria on that fabric can also worsen the injection. Infections are also more likely to occur due to decreased personal hygiene like not showering or bathing regularly. 

Skin Popping

In addition to skin infections, IV drug use may also result in skin popping, but this only occurs among those who inject drugs into muscles rather than veins. Injections into the muscles cause lumps to form in the tissue beneath the skin. Those lumps will build up as scar tissue builds. The condition makes the lumps appear to pop or to puff out the skin. You can sometimes see these lumps on the arms and legs.

Soot Tattoos

You might notice soot beneath the skin too. Officially called a soot tattoo, the discoloration occurs because a flame is placed below the needle before injecting in order to cleanse it before putting it in the skin. The soot that forms on the needle goes directly into the body and can leave behind a dark marks that becomes even darker over time. Some people get professional or amateur tattoos done as a way to hide those marks. 

Is Someone You Love Suffering from Addiction?

At Arrow Passage Recovery, We Can Help.

Get Help Now: 844-347-0543


Video: Spotting Signs of IV Drug Use

In the early stages of opioid use, it can be difficult to see the signs, especially if your son or daughter continues to function in his or her everyday life. As opioid use escalates, some fairly visible signs begin to emerge. Along with other more subtle warning signs, like changes in your son’s or daughter’s behavior or things you may notice around the house. 00:30 Tell-tell physical warning signs of opioid use, whether intravenous or not, our pinpoint pupils and nodding off. One of the most visible warning signs specific to IV use is “track marks,” the scars and bruising that appear on the skin along the veins of someone who 00:49 frequently injects. The most common and frequent injection sites are along the inner arm, but some people also inject in their hands, feet, legs or even the groin. 01:02 IV substance use leaves behind other distinct clues as well, all of which 01:07 should raise a red flag: spoons or foil with burn marks; burns on fingers, which 01:14 are the result of preparing substances for injection; hidden or improperly disposed syringes, needles or syringe caps; glassine bags stamped with names 01:25 like “Superman,” “Pitbull,” and “Crazy Horse;” cotton balls, Q-tips or cigarette filters 01:32 used to remove impurities before injecting; rubber straps or bands or even missing shoelaces, commonly used as a tourniquet to help raise veins to the 01:43 surface of the skin prior to injection. Be on alert for any of these subtler signs, as well: 01:51 missing prescription pain medications; wearing long sleeves in warm weather; weight loss; avoiding family and social situations that would prevent use, like a 02:04 vacation or even a prolonged outing; spending excessive time locked in their bedroom or a bathroom alone; missing money or other items missing from home; 02:15 flu-like symptoms, which may actually be signs of withdrawal; receiving unusual packages in the mail, — it’s shockingly easy to have illicit drugs and 02:25 paraphernalia delivered right to one’s home. One of the best ways to spot problems with substance use is to know who your 02:33 teen or young adult is spending time with. IV substance use, in particular, tends to be learned from and introduced by other friends and acquaintances. In 02:43 fact, it’s not unusual to begin use with a significant other, particularly among young women. Once substance abuse is initiated, it may become a more solitary behavior as well. If you observe any of these warning 02:58 signs, keep watching to learn what you can do now to start helping your son or daughter

Other Possible Signs of IV Drug Use

It’s important that you consider all the other possible signs of addiction to meth or other IV drugs. Those who use IV drugs will often wear clothing designed to hide infection sites.

Unseasonable Clothing

During the summer months, many people look forward to wearing tank tops and shorts to beat the heat. Those with an IV drug addiction frequently do not wear the same clothing because they risk showing signs. They might wear long pants that reach down to their ankles and shirts with long sleeves that cover their arms even in the middle of a hot day.

Sudden Weight Loss

Sudden and quick weight loss is another sign of IV drug use. Drugs such as meth and heroin provide more energy than normal, resulting in staying up for hours and even days at a time during a binge. The extra energy received from the drugs burns calories resulting in losing a significant amount of weight. You might find that a close friend or family member suddenly lost a large amount of weight within a few months. Sometimes the weight loss can result in people looking like skin and bones and/or have heads that appear too large for their bodies.

Routine Changes

Another sign to look for is a change in appetite, which often goes along with a change in sleep patterns.  Drugs can cause major changes in eating, drinking and sleeping patterns. They may only want to watch television or spend time with other people who also use. Addiction can also result in spending long hours awake and alert.


What Does Shooting Up Meth Feel Like?

Shooting up meth gets the drug to the bloodstream and brain very quickly. The person abusing meth feels a rush, also known as a flash. Many describe the flash as an intense chill going through the whole body with a cough if the drug is injected correctly. The chill and cough are followed by an extreme euphoria.

This is described as feeling much more intense than snorting meth. The flash usually lasts only five minutes; then there is a crash. This leads to a binge and crash pattern that quickly leads to addiction.2

Is There a Difference Between Meth and Crystal Meth?

Crystal meth is the purest form of methamphetamine. It’s known as “ice” and is a popular club drug. The high from shooting crystal meth is intense, and people have reported addiction after shooting up crystal meth one time.3

Because abusing crystal meth in this manner is so addictive, it is one of the hardest drugs to recover from. If you have been shooting up crystal meth, find medical help at a professional rehab facility.


What Does Shooting Up Heroin Feel Like?

Shooting up heroin gives the person an immediate feeling of euphoria.  Along with this, most people will feel warm, have a dry mouth, and feel like their arms and legs are heavy.4

Heroin can provide a false sense of safety and well-being.  People that are stuck in unsafe situations will turn to heroin as a temporary escape. Heroin is also reported as easing emotional trauma.5

Heroin for Pain Relief

Heroin does relieve physical pain, just like prescription opioids. One recent study concluded that 80% of people who report having an addiction to heroin began by taking prescription painkillers.6

The government’s response to the opioid epidemic has made prescription opioids much harder to get. So, more people are turning to heroin for pain relief. Many places report that it’s now cheaper and easier to get illegal heroin than getting legal prescription painkillers.


Other Drugs That Are Injected

Although meth and heroin are among the more commonly abused injected drugs, they are far from the only ones. Some use cocaine in the form of crack cocaine or morphine. Some people also mix heroin with cocaine to make a substance called a speedball. Some of the other drugs taken intravenously include:

Injecting Prescription Drugs

Those who take prescription drugs intravenously often do so because they want to feel the full effects of the drug as quickly as possible. In the same way that doctors often recommend that patients take a prescription painkiller before they experience any pain because it can take up to an hour or more for the effects to kick in, shooting up the drug helps it kick in quickly and provides both pain reduction and a euphoric feeling.

Oxycodone, including both the name brand and the generic, is a common IV drug. Some also use ADHD medications as an injection, including Ritalin.

Some of the common signs of drug use include a loss of interest in activities and hobbies, a change in personality, constant thoughts of using and abusing drugs, and physical changes. 

When IV drug use occurs, you might notice that the eyes appear sunken and that bones show through the skin. It’s often hard to admit that there is a problem. Recognizing that an addiction is present is the first step on the road to recovery.


Drug Binges

More than 13 million people around the world use and abuse IV drugs and a large portion engages in something called a drug binge. A binge can last anywhere from a few days to a week. During drug binges, it’s common to stay awake the entire time. While some like to sit down and watch television or movies during a binge, others prefer to be physically active and to do things around the house. Some prefer to be alone and locked in their homes or apartments, and others like being around people.

During a drug binge, you may not see your loved one or have any way to contact that person. He or she may stop answering the phone and may ignore anyone who knocks on the door. You may worry to the point of calling the police and asking them to perform a wellness check. The highs that occur during a drug binge can make a close friend seem like an entirely different person. A person during a binge can act in erratic ways and have a hard time listening.


Health Risks and Dangers

Engaging in IV drug use results in an increased risk of developing other conditions later. It’s common for people to be more willing to take risks while in the middle of a drug binge. HIV diagnosis are more common among this population due to this, and dirty needles. 

A dirty needle is one that is shared by two or more people. If someone who is HIV positive shares a needle with someone who does not have HIV, that person can contract the disease.

Anyone who uses drugs intravenously also has an increased risk of developing other conditions and diseases. One danger is that the drugs can cause memory problems. In fact, drugs can impact short-term and long-term memories. They may cause issues with remembering simple things, such as when to pick a child up from school or when to go to the grocery store. Long-term memory problems can result in forgetting the names of close friends.

In addition to HIV and sexually transmitted diseases, there is also a chance that IV drug use spreads other diseases as well. There are some clean needle exchanges available for anyone who needs them. This is to ensure that clean or new needles are available to avoid infections.

Is Someone You Love Suffering from Addiction?

At Arrow Passage Recovery, We Can Help.

Get Help Now: 844-347-0543


Video: How to Help a Loved One

We understand the fear, anxiety and uncertainty you’re probably going through. Treatment and recovery from opioid use disorder are possible for 00:13 your son or daughter. Recovery is a journey and it takes time, but there are actions you can take now to keep your child safer while working to engage him or her in treatment. Note that whenever we refer to treatment we mean a 00:29 comprehensive clinical program addressing substance use disorder and other mitigating factors. A medical detox may be required, but it is not a substitute for treatment. If your son or daughter is misusing opioids have 00:44 naloxone sold under the brand name “Narcan” on hand and know how to use it. Available from most pharmacies, it can reverse opioid overdose and save lives. Encourage anyone that spends time with your child to do the same. In case of an 01:01 overdose, always call 911 whether or not you have naloxone to administer. Administer naloxone according to package specific directions. If breathing is labored or 01:15 non-existent, conduct rescue breathing. Once breathing resumes, place in the rescue position and provide comfort. A loved one overdosing is traumatic, but it 01:28 can also be an opportunity to engage or re-engage with needed treatment. You can find complete instructions on how to identify and respond to an overdose, including administering naloxone on our site. Helping your son or daughter engage 01:43 with a comprehensive treatment program, including medication, is the best course of action, but it can take time to get there, especially given wait lists and program availability. Taking some steps to reduce the risks to their life and health is a vital safeguard along the pathway there. 02:02 For someone struggling with a severe opioid disorder and still in active use, the immediate focus is on staying alive until they are willing and able to get help. Reducing the risks to your child means having an 02:17 open discussion about using safe injection practices, including sterile, never used or shared needles, and other items used for injection; not mixing substances; not using alone; and having naloxone on their person. They can also 02:32 consider going to safe injection sites. Understanding how to navigate current systems for accessing treatment can be overwhelming. This is one of the reasons we offer one-on-one assistance to parents. Our Parent Support Specialists 02:47 will help you create a personalized action plan for helping your child, including how to have a conversation about minimizing risks and engaging with treatment. They are here to listen, provide emotional support and help you 03:02 find the right answers for your family. When exploring the treatment options, consider medication-assisted treatment. The proper use of medications like Vivitrol, buprenorphine or methadone, combined with therapy, can help manage 03:16 cravings — in turn reducing the risk of overdose and other health risks associated with IV use. Evidence-based treatments like this are often needed to overcome opioid addiction and maintain long-term recovery. Just as addiction 03:33 impacts the entire family, recovery is a journey taken together. You can stay involved and you can help your child change his or her behavior. It may be difficult to focus on your own well-being when your child is in crisis, 03:47 but self-care, which may include counseling or attending a support group, will help you and your family in so many ways, including strengthening your own resiliency. Taking care of yourself will better equip you to care for your child. 04:02 Remember that you can take steps to protect your child while he or she is still in active use, including having naloxone on hand and reviewing safer injection practices. Continue to work on engaging your son or daughter in a 04:17 comprehensive treatment program — ideally one that includes the combined benefits of counseling and medication. Let us help you when you reach out to one of our Parent Support Specialists, they will lend 04:31 support and share information on approaches that have been demonstrated to help parents not only help their child, but help themselves as well. 04:41 Families can heal. Find the answers, support and guidance you need, here at

What to Do if Someone is Shooting Up

If you worry that someone you love has an addiction to an IV drug such as heroin or meth, you should look for the physical signs of addiction. You may want to look around the house for other signs as well. They may have hidden paraphernalia around the house, including the small plastic bags and glass vials that once held the drugs. You may find dirty needles or the orange caps that sit on the ends of the needles around the house.

When it comes time to help a loved one, you may want to stage an intervention with other family members and friends. You can all talk about addiction and how it has impacted your lives. A treatment center can help too. Both inpatient and outpatient programs offer plans that include helping with detox and taking the first steps toward recovery. If you want to help a loved one struggling with a IV drug addiction, talking to a treatment center is your best course of action.