Category: Uncategorized

Honesty is vital to recovery

During active addiction the addict begins weaving a world of deception. The alcoholic  or drug addict doesn’t want others to know about their problem, so they lie, deny, minimize, rationalize, anything to prevent exposure of the truth. Sometimes the addict is deceptive for so…

Stories of Recovery From Addiction

Facts and information are great to improve understanding of addiction, but one of the most powerful forms of learning, in my humble opinion, is the personal story. Personal stories are powerful because they speak to real experience, emotions, true to life situations and how the recovery process…

Understanding outpatient addiction treatment

Savannah, Ga. has several outpatient options for addiction treatment. In the eighties most addiction professionals thought inpatient treatment was necessary for recovery, but we’ve come to understand that outpatient options work for many who aren’t suffering from overwhelming withdrawals. Another option is to spend a…

Cocaine Detoxification

Heavy cocaine users find it difficult to stop because of the depression, anxiety and strong urges that follow binges. While there’s a long history of evolving detox methods for alcohol dependence, the same is not true for cocaine.There are some drugs, however, that can lessen the negative…

The evolution of addiction treatment

Addiction treatment has changed throughout the years. It’s hard to believe some of the treatments for alcoholism administered decades ago. Here are some. When I first started to work at Willingway Hospital in Statesboro, an inpatient addiction treatment hospital, treatment had changed drastically. Many…

Savannah statistics for ER drug related admissions

Savannah, GA., Hospital E.R. drug related admissions for last year: Cocaine: 196 Heroin: 438 Meth: 87 Ecstasy: 44 OxyContin: 174 Percocet: 154 Vicodin: 109 Xanax: 219 Lortab: 131

NewDay Counseling Up and Running

NewDay Counseling is up and running. We’re connecting some loose ends, such as our signs, which have been delayed once again. I guess Savannah, Ga businesses are like businesses around the nation during Thanksgiving week — we’re all making plans to visit family and friends. So, I understand…

Alcohol news — effects on the brain

Science is learning more and more about the damage caused by long term heavy drinking, and what science is learning helps to explain what healthcare professionals have witnessed. Many people who deal with problems associated with alcoholism have talked about the progression of the disease. Those…

Healthcare Solutions

Quirk Healthcare Solutions is coming to Savannah, Ga. Quirk offers healthcare solutions to local companies, offering a holistic approach, or so it seems from the article in Savannah Business Journal. Good news for Savannah economy, too — Quirk Healthcare Solutions will add 150 jobs.

Cocaine news

Cocaine users having chest pains might end up in the emergency room where they are tested and incorrectly informed that there’s no heart problem. Read this.