Search Results for: alcohol and anxiety

Alcoholism and Anxiety Disorder

Alcoholism and anxiety disorder often go hand in hand. There are several reasons — one being that alcoholism and anxiety disorder can coexist. This means that a person has two diagnoses – alcohol use disorder and anxiety disorder. In this case of co-occurrence, alcoholism…

Alcoholism and Anxiety

[wpseo_address oneline=”1″ show_state=”0″ show_phone=”1″ show_email=”0″][wpseo_map width=”400″ height=”300″ zoom=”-1″ map_style=”roadmap” scrollable=”1″ show_route=”0″ show_state=”0″] I used the term alcoholism in the title for clarity, but the new DSM-V term is Alcohol Use Disorder, AUD. When I write AUD, I’m referring to alcoholism. In a way I…

Individual Counseling and Addiction Treatment

When it comes to individual counseling and addiction treatment for chemical dependence, I recommend addiction treatment, intensive outpatient or inpatient or a combination of the two. I would never minimize the importance of individual counseling for issues such as anger management, anxiety, relationship problems,…

Anxiety, Depression and Addiction

Often, chemical dependence presents itself as anxiety or depression, so someone having trouble with alcohol or some other drug might think that, say, anxiety is the main problem, when in reality the addiction is generating the anxiety. Sometimes anxiety and addiction can co-exist, but many times…

Addiction, Education and Employment

Usually when addiction, education and employment are discussed together it’s from the perspective of how poverty, unemployment and illiteracy drive people to misuse alcohol and other drugs. Some even imply, or make the claim outright, that misery and other environmental negatives experienced in poverty stricken areas cause addiction. While…

Alcohol – Teenage Binge Drinking

It’s difficult for parents of teenagers when it comes to alcohol. On one hand the modern, open minded parent doesn’t want to be an overbearing moralist, but on the other hand science is discovering negative effects when teenagers drink alcohol, especially if they’re binge drinking. This…

Alcohol and Opiates

The combination of alcohol and opiates is complicating the already serious problems of alcoholism and opiate addiction. Using both creates a synergistic effect where the combination is greater than the sum of its parts — one drug increases the other’s effectiveness. But this increased effect is…

Addiction Recovery and Exercise

Although medicine and counseling are important aspects of recovery from addiction, plain old physical exercise is also very helpful. Addiction recovery and exercise are not often associated with one another, but studies show that addiction treatment facilities should place more importance on exercise in…


Do Employment Assistance Programs (EAP) create a return on investment (ROI)? EAP and ROI has been a controversial issue in the business world for a long time. Studies have shown that EAP creates a ROI, but a lot depends on the EAP program and the…

Alcohol and Opiates: Similarities

There are similarities between alcohol and opiates. The research is beyond my full understanding, but the research results show that the two drugs act on the same parts of the brain in similar ways. I have a hunch that one day science will discover there…