Heroin Epidemic: Solutions

Across the nation, cities are dealing with an heroin epidemic. The above video shows that not all authorities are doubling down on failed strategies to deal with the incredible rise in heroin use — some are actually looking for fundamental solutions. When authorities continuously apply symptomatic solutions to symptomatic problems, they go in circles and consequences continue to worsen.

It’s like a car that leaks oil — continuously adding oil only deals with a symptom. The fundamental problem, why the oil leaks, isn’t addressed and it gets worse. If professionals in healthcare and authorities in law enforcement begin dealing with addiction as a fundamental problem, then fundamental solutions will develop.

If heroin is viewed as strictly an issue of illegal drug use, and if heroin addicts are dismissed as low-lifes, losers, criminals, etc., fundamental solutions will not be found. Now that heroin overdose is killing middle class and upper class kids and adults, more people are paying attention. If this is what it takes to get more people to understand addiction, then so be it.